Risk such as road accident, natural disasters, crime, terrorism, political and social instability and unrest can threaten the safety of tourist. From drive-by purse snatchers to identify thieves to much more dangerous criminals like kidnappers and sex traffickers, there is always some story in the news about someone taking advantage of travelers.


Before planning of next trip and wondering how to travel safety, look no further than these simple and straightforward travel safety tips for ultimate safe travel guide.


Don’t wear flashy jewelry: Wearing expensive, flashy jewelry is sure way of making yourself an obvious target for robbery. S leave it at home, before traveling to a crowdie places.


-      Drink responsibly: Don’t enjoy the local nightlife while traveling and keep in mind that own safety is top most priority. So drink responsibly while traveling.


-     Be smart about your money: Always use debit or credit card at travel time and don’t withdraw large amount from ATM. If you have to carry wallet, then try to keep it under cloth and carry a dummy wallet with little bit amount.


-      Be aware of popular scams: Before traveling, please research in details regarding the local scammers to ensure the safety.


-     Know the phone number of emergency services: Be sure to look up the emergency service number like nearest embassy of tour destination.


-    Use the right bag: Cross body bags are safer than shoulder or hand bag and prevent people from grabbing travelers bag as they run or drive by.

-        Bring travel locks and use them.

-        Keep digital copies of important document.

-        Try to blend in: Dress as the locals do and try to blend with them.

-        Use reputable transportation companies.

-        Before traveling, please ensure someone know your destination and tour tenor.

-        Use aps for emergency alerts.

-        Stay aware of surroundings.

-        Trust on own instincts.